Lightwave Shortcuts
Modeler Shortcuts
| ||
Mac: option PC: alt (hold down) | causes Left-Dragging to Pan or Rotate the view-ports |
| opens the numeric requester for the selected tool |
<spacebar> | toggles between selection modes |
<spacebar> | if a tool is activated, this deactivates it |
x | cut |
c | copy |
v | paste |
z | delete (this has been remapped in many new configs del can also be used) |
t | move tool |
y | rotate tool |
h | stretch tool (non uniform) |
Shift - H | size tool (uniform) |
a | fit all |
Shift - A | fit selected objects in all views |
Ctrl a | fit current view only |
<f2> | move the selected items to the origin (the center of the world) |
comma / period |
q | opens the "Surface Name" panel to rename the selected polygons |
w | opens the "stats" panel to select by name, and all that |
l | load an object |
s | save an object |
<TAB> | activate or deactivate "Sub Patch" for the selected polygons |
Shift f | "Smooth Shift" tool (then click and drag) |
b | bevel tool (then click and drag) |
p | make polygon out of selected points |
k | "kill" remove selected polygons, leaving their points intact |
m | merge points |
u | undo |
d | display options panel |
o | general options panel |
<f1> Shift - <f1> | Configure keyboard shortcuts Configure onscreen menus (add buttons, etc.) |
- | hide Selected points or polygons |
= | hide unselected points or polygons |
<f12> | synchronize current object with Layout |
Layout Shortcuts
| ||
u, o, d, t, y, h, H, comma, period, and n | Are the same in Layout as in Modeler note that the numeric entry panel is built into the lower left hand corner of the Layout screen. |
m | motion panel (edit the motions of objects in a graph window) |
p | "panel" opens the properties panel for whatever item is selected (object, camera, etc) |
i | inverse kinematics options panel |
<Enter> <Enter> | press the Enter key twice to make a keyframe. |
Shift - O, B, L, C | shift selecting these keys activates the corresponding edit mode: O = object mode, B = bone mode, L = light mode, C = camera mode |
<f1> Shift - <f1> |
<Spacebar> | toggles through Move, Rotate, and size, and Stretch |
<f12> | launch Modeler |
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